OpenSesame Embed

Build More Robust

Agents and LLMs


Fast Integration

Our plug-and-play tool effortlessly fits into any codebase, helping your models produce reliable and accurate data every time.


Increased Consistency

Focused evaluation metrics measure the quality of your LLM outputs, helping you make better-informed decisions.


Enhance AI Reliability

We use semantic analysis and personalized dashboards, allowing transparent, seamless data flow between developers and clients.

We Verify Accurate & Consistent Output


Semantic Fact Check

Our platform cross-references AI-generated responses against verified ground truth data and trusted external sources, ensuring that the outputs align with real-world facts. By using advanced techniques like semantic search, vector stores, and context-aware algorithms

Instruction Adherence Check

We ensure that both language models and your AI agents follow the exact instructions provided, maintaining consistency and reliability in their responses. By continuously monitoring and validating the output against the user’s directives, we prevent deviations, misunderstandings, or misinterpretations that could lead to incorrect or incomplete actions.

Context Inference Check

We ensure that both language models and your AI agents follow the exact instructions provided, maintaining consistency and reliability in their responses. By continuously monitoring and validating the output against the user’s directives, we prevent deviations, misunderstandings, or misinterpretations that could lead to incorrect or incomplete actions.

Test Your Models at

Light Speed

pip install opensesame-sdk

    // Replace this code    const openai = new OpenAI(        apiKey: 'your OpenAI key here',    );    // With this: your OpenSesame client    const opensesame = new OpenSesame({      apiKey: 'your OpenAI key here',      openSesameKey: 'your OpenSesame key',      projectName: 'your desired project name'    });          

We Give You Credibility

<4 mins

To get real-time hallucination data


Improvement in reliability


Saved by using the dashboard

Trusted Model Providers at Your Disposal

Control your hallucinations stress-free

View Insights

  • Access detailed insights about your AI model's responses. Our dashboard highlights potential hallucinations and inconsistencies, helping you identify where your model performs well and needs improvement.

Mark Correctness

  • Easily mark each AI-generated response as correct or incorrect. Our intuitive interface allows quick approvals or disapprovals, helping train and continuously improve your AI model.

Generate Shareable Links and CSV files

  • Export insights and correctness data to a CSV file for detailed analysis and record-keeping. Generate shareable links to easily share insights and findings with clients. This feature allows you to keep your clients informed and involved in the improvement process.

OpenSesame, AI, Developer Tools, OpenSesame


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OpenSesame: Machine learning model validation, AI error detection tool

OpenSesame AI Inc.

Copyright © 2024 OpenSesame. Al Inc. all rights reserved

Address: 175 Bloor St E, South Tower Unit 1800

OpenSesame Linkedin - Jai Mansukhani, Anthony Azrak
OpenSesame Linkedin - Jai Mansukhani, Anthony Azrak
OpenSesame Linkedin - Jai Mansukhani, Anthony Azrak